When to Seek Rehab Help

You may consider finding an inpatient drug rehab if you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction. Alcohol and drug abuse inpatient rehab centers help by providing physical and mental support in a safe environment. 

In addition to being helpful during the detoxing process, rehabilitation facilities can increase patients’ chances of staying sober. The therapeutic services available at drug addiction inpatient treatment centers assist with finding the root of why individuals feel the need to abuse substances despite the negative consequences. 

If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction, then a rehabilitation facility can help. Learn more about when it is time to consider professional help and what to expect at an inpatient rehab center.  

How Drug Abuse Inpatient Rehab Centers Help

Many individuals believe they can recover from addiction without the assistance of alcohol and drug addiction inpatient treatment centers. However, addiction to drugs and alcohol is both mental and physical. Substances alter brain functioning and stimulate an artificial reward. 

As a result, drinking alcohol and using drugs become habit-forming. Recovery is difficult to handle due to:

  • The powerful hold of addiction

  • Withdrawal symptoms

  • Enabling environments

  • Underlying issues

  • Lack of support

The benefits of inpatient drug rehab centers include overcoming these hurdles on the road to recovery. Rehabilitation facilities provide a healthy and supportive environment for patients to recuperate from their habit. 

When addicts cease substance use, they can experience anxiety, depression and problems with concentration and sleep. Additionally, physical symptoms can also include headaches, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations and muscle shaking. Subsequently, many users return to substance abuse to end the withdrawal symptoms. 

Finding an inpatient drug rehab that has a program that fits a patient’s needs can help him or her detox more comfortably. Rehabilitation programs typically include medically supervised detoxification as well as therapeutic services.

Medically Supervised Detox

Finding an inpatient drug rehab can help alleviate some of the symptoms of addiction and withdrawal. Many facilities use medications to lessen cravings and reduce the physical reactions that occur when users stop taking addictive substances. 

Alcohol and drug abuse inpatient rehab centers use medications to help during the recovery process by:

  • Blocking certain receptors

  • Curbing the effects and, therefore, abuse

  • Reducing cravings

  • Treating anxiety and depression common during recovery

  • Treating dangerous withdrawal symptoms such as seizures

  • Preventing relapse

When heavy users of substances stop using drugs or drinking alcohol, they can experience extremely strong, and sometimes dangerous, withdrawal symptoms. These can include:

  • Seizures

  • Heart attacks and strokes

  • Hallucinations

  • Delirium tremens, which is severe confusion

The medications drug addiction inpatient treatment centers use can prevent patients from suffering and even dying while trying to get clean. Of all the benefits of inpatient drug rehab centers, a safe and medically supervised detoxification is the primary reason individuals seek professional assistance.  

Therapeutic Services for Addition

Typically, there is a causal factor – something that initiated the need to escape through substances. Professionals at drug abuse inpatient rehab centers may use several types of therapy including:

  • Talk therapy; both group and individual

  • Physical therapy like yoga or massage

  • Meditation therapy

  • Art and music therapy

Whether it’s past trauma or current stressors, finding the reason behind substance abuse is the best practice in preventing relapse. 

When to Consider Drug Addiction Inpatient Treatment Centers

Enrolling in an inpatient program is a smart choice when you consider the numerous benefits of inpatient drug rehab centers, like medically supervised detoxification and therapeutic services. However, you may be hesitant to go to rehab if you think you have your addiction under control. 

Think about finding an inpatient drug rehab if any of the below situations apply to you:

  1. Your substance abuse is ruining your life but you are unable to stop. 

  2. You have tried one or more times to quit in the past and were unsuccessful.

  3. Your home and work environment is not conducive to sober living. For example, your household keeps alcohol stocked and you are trying to stop drinking.

  4. You are a heavy user or use substances, like heroin, cocaine and meth, and detoxing from them could endanger your life.

You should also look into alcohol and drug abuse inpatient rehab centers if your substance use is negatively affecting your personal relationships, work-life and health.

Addiction is progressive. Meaning, while you might see yourself as only having a “mild addiction” or being a “functional user,” time, tolerance and lack of control can escalate your usage of a substance.